Saturday, September 10, 2011

Difference between the Greenhouse Effect, Global Warming and Climate Change?

Greenhouse effect is the cause, while the Global Warming and Climate Change is the result. Greenhouse effect caused the accumulation of heat (energy) in Earth's atmosphere. Given the excessive accumulation, the climate adjusment. Adjusment is one of raising the temperature of earth, then called Global Warming and refional-climate rainfall pattern, evaporation, formation of lay or climate change

Does El Nino have anything to do with Global Warming and Climate Change?
El Nino is a natural phenomenon that has occurred since centuries ago, although notalways with the same pattern. He is a heat wave at the equator of the Pacific Ocean. Now, El Nino appears every 2-7 years, more robust and contribute to the increased temperature of the earth. The impact can be felt around the world and show that the climate on earth is really in touch. Scientist examine how global warming caused by human activity can effect the El Nino, the accumulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere help to inject heat to Pacific Ocean. Therefore, El Nino appears more frequent and more ferocious than ever. 

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